Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works 25 Reaction

April 6, 2021

Episodes in this season


28 thoughts on "Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works 25 Reaction"

  1. The game writer explains that Shirou is like a robot trying to act like a human.
    I really hope you watch Heaven’s Feel and Lord El Melloi II case files.

  2. (In regards to the track team scene)

    Shirou never actually was in track and field, so he answers Rin’s question honestly. In Rin’s memory/flashback sequence from previous episodes we saw her watching a boy that looked like Shirou attepting the high jump over and over. Rin is making the assumption that only someone that does track and field would spend an entire afternoon attempting to do a high jump. But that is exactly what Shirou did, anyway. He saw the high jump left out, and decided to see for himself what he could do. He constantly failed but stubbornly kept at it for hours. At long last he gave up, satisfied with knowing for a fact that he couldn’t actually make the jump.

    1. I also agree. If they’re going to do the three Heaven’s Feel movies, they should do the 2006 anime one as well considering it’s the original route for the visual novel. Doing the other two routes but not the first route would be wrong.

  3. Watch order after this :
    Sunny day
    Heaven’s feel trilogy
    Lord el-melloi Waver case File
    All the grand order stuff if only to enjoy watching gods as servants and Gilgamesh as a good guy.

  4. I don’t know if the crew read these comments, but Zero was easier to follow because it had a much simpler story to tell since it is adapted from a book, not a VN. It’s linear point A –> point B, it’s really easy to adapt, people have been adapting books for ages.

    The VN adaptations are rougher just due to the nature of not being able to show all the choices, and not being able to build off of the previous routes.

    Rick feels like he didn’t get the full story because…he didn’t get the full story. None of the anime are full adaptations of the story, because the VNs are just so much longer and more intricate than the anime can fully tell.

  5. The apples Sakura cut where in the shape of a rabbit, not a bug, lol.

    As for the track thing, I believe that is a memory both Sakura and Rin have from before the Grail War. Rin asks if he was part of the track team, but he never was, if I recall correctly he was just helping out with some track stuff and was practicing for an event. It was something that made both of them interested in him.

    Looking forward to more Fate stuff, particularly Heaven’s Feel, as it does explain/go over a lot of the stuff not covered by UBW.

    1. I really truly cannot understand why anyone would want anyone else to see Apocrypha. It’s dreadful. it’s only redeeming feature is occasionally having good animation… which is wasted on substanceless content. I actively dislike the franchise more for having seen it (or at least the first season, I’m a glutton for punishment but nothing deserves more than that for a chance at being tolerable). It’s the Dirge of Cerberus of Fate.

    1. Apocrypha is an alternate version of the 4th, not the 3rd. The change happened in the 3rd (essentially what servant the Einzbern summoned I believe) but the grail war itself was the 4th. Technically that means that Kiritsugu and all the other masters (with a few exceptions) are around during it, they’re just no involved in the war in any way.

  6. Zero covers the 4th Grail war, the 3 different Stay Night covers the 5th, Apocrypha covers an alternate version of the 3rd grail war. All are separate to each other but since in the same universe you’ll understand one part of a show by watching a different route etc. Each route starts at the same place but goes in very different directions which you’ll understand more in Heaven’s Feel

    1. Apocrypha is an alternate version of the 4th, not the 3rd. The change happened in the 3rd (essentially what servant the Einzbern summoned I believe) but the grail war itself was the 4th. Technically that means that Kiritsugu and all the other masters (with a few exceptions) are around during it, they’re just no involved in the war in any way.

  7. I hope this clears it up a little bit but the envelope was the invitation for Shirou to join the clock tower and that’s what he was trying to ask Rin for advice on. The last scene of shirou walking through the dessert is supposed to signify him taking archers path but going farther than archer could, and what archer meant when he said he was never wrong was that he wasn’t wrong with regretting the choices he made and wanting to change them. Basically that his anger and regret was all justified.

    1. “…he wasn’t wrong with regretting the choices he made and wanting to change them.” That’s not the interpretation I got from it. I thought it was him acknowledging that his ideals that led him there weren’t wrong, that it wasn’t wrong to want to be a hero, despite how it turned out. That might be because I’m hoping for him to have a more optimistic eternity though.

  8. Shirou and Rin are my favourite couple in the series because they both put themselves first whilst also acknowledging they’re a pair. They’re both defined and not defined by the other, ending in a really healthy, functional relationship. It’s nice to see the heroes reflect and decide to be in a relationship due to their own logic rather than passion (which is also there). The other two main girls are great, but Rin will always be the character who carries so much of fate.

    Of course I’m also excited to see you guys if you tackle Heaven’s feel because more fate is always a good thing. Loved this whole reaction series and I’ll miss my weekly fate fix from you guys. Would love to see you tackle Apocrypha even if it sucks just for the reactions

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