Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Movie Reaction

July 21, 2023

23 thoughts on "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Movie Reaction"

  1. I heard a really cool fact about the ending Groot scene! Obviously people were shocked that he could suddenly speak full English, but no, James Gunn said that just like Peter Quill who originally only heard “I am Groot” but eventually understood him, we the audience are Groot’s friends and been with him for years, so that was US finally understanding Groot!❤️

  2. Guardians 3 was SO good and I’ve become so desensitized that nothing makes me sad like other people, but this movie was the closest to almost making me cry, because I love animals, especially otters! I had never heard of Chukwudi Iwuji, but he’s a GREAT actor with such good emotion and is good at being bad and hated. This also showed me what a great director James Gunn is with balancing humor with emotion and character development and it made me watch Peacemaker for the first time and now I’m actually excited for a Superman movie for the first time with him directing it! I even made a Rotten Tomatoes account for the first time JUST to review this movie because it’s SO good and it made me realize how much I now love James Gunn!

  3. I just want pets to be pets if possible and be not actors in my opinion. If we can do CGI animals for everything why not? I understand animals where used for movies in the past but is it really still necessary. I understand it’s just a small issue Eric has but i disagree. BTW balled my eyes out during the whole movie, especially watching it with the crew.

  4. also eric u are too obsessed with realism. what does a real talking dog using telekinesis look like? a part of ur brain will always say this is not right because u havent experienced it. it bugs u because its the closest thing to normal that should be normal but its not normal. its a russian dog in space with psychic powers. the only thing u dont like is its not a real dog? talk about selective realism

  5. i didnt like this villain he wanted to create perfect life but not more perfect than him. i can see it, but i dont think it was done well. plus they changed rocket entirely. where did this alien learn all this and get racoons and shit to experiment on? and why them? why organic matter? but rocket should be an alien race. also hes super tough hes not just a racoon

  6. I noticed that Rick stopped watching the marvel shows and superhero movies. Its understandable given the quality of their recent content. But Guardians of the Galaxy 3 was a good movie. I hope he comes back for “The Flash” movie for that **cameo**.

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