Naruto 118 Reaction

January 11, 2022

Episodes in this season


20 thoughts on "Naruto 118 Reaction"

  1. yeah so fuck off people they react to Naruto i react to their reaction why i should like they jokes every episode yeah Naruto is mediocre show but i love that anime, and i love in general BW reactions thats why i hate when they making those stupid jokes especially when it is rare for them to do so stupid jokes so again FUCK OFF … thankfully i am to lazy to troll every Naruto comment section …

    1. mate.. obviously you don’t have to like all of BW’s sense of humor and nobody is forcing you to do that. let BW be happy saying their stupid jokes and you shouldn’t have to so hurt by their harmless, stupid jokes. you already know you’re not going to like all of BW’s sense of humor, why waste your time being so angry about it? are you really trying to force the blind wave crew to follow your own standards of what’s funny

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