Naruto 56 Reaction

December 8, 2020

Episodes in this season


5 thoughts on "Naruto 56 Reaction"

  1. Aaron: “I just get confused sometimes about how new or old the technology is in some series”

    HAHAH well prepared to be confused throughout the wntiretyyyy of the series cause all kinds of technology just kinda pops up and then disappears all the time in naruto lmao

  2. Are they ever going to learn that Hokage ONLY applies to the Village hidden in the Leafs, which is the only Hidden Village in the Land of Fire (I don’t don’t think any Nation has more than one Village in it). When ever the show says Hokage they are talking about this village. The other great villages have other Kages, the Village Hidden in the Sand has already been mentioned to have a Kazekage, and three other Great Villages (Mist, Stone, and Cloud) have there own Kages (Mizukage, Tsuchikage, and Raikage), Lesser villages don’t have Kage but have Village Leaders that are functionally the same but WAY less powerful.

    And None of this is spoilers because the show all ready mentioned, when team 7 are heading to the land of waves Kakashi tells the genin all this.

    1. I get what you are saying, but at this point in the show, I’m fairly sure that basically every other fan did the same thing. No-one at this time bothered to remember the names of the kages of other lands, they just would say “the hokage of the mist” so people know what they mean. It’s easy to criticize later on once u learn to say all the kage names casually, but since you only need the kage names in shippuden (late shippuden at that), I’m fine with them ignoring what all the kage names are and just calling them “hokage of the [blank] “

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